About this module
Research gives us stories and data, but doesn't tell us what new products, services and tools we should build. Our data synthesis will lead usto insights, and these insights are the bridge from research to innovation. You'll learn how to create those insight statements.
Main topics covered
In this module, you'll learn about:
- How to make informed inferences from gathered research data
- What an insight is, and why it's useful in driving innovations
- How to present insight statements in a meaningful and pursuasive manner
Related resources
Sensemaking and Framing: A Theoretical Reflection on Perspective in Design Synthesis
Course Contents
An overview of this course: how to leverage design in a transformative way
Design research is about spending time with real people and using their experiences as the center of influence for our designs—rather than shaping them based on technical and market trends.
Design research is about spending time with real people and using their experiences as the center of influence for our designs—rather than shaping them based on technical and market trends.
What is the most important part of design research? Recruiting participants!
You'll learn best practices for writing a discussion guide that not only prompts the type of information gathering you need, but also evangelizes your stakeholders and demonstrates the value of design research.
How to manage the complexities that come with working with other creative people.
How can we make sense of the data we've gathered from research? Themes get us started.
Research doesn’t tell us what to design. Insights are the bridge from research to innovation. You'll learn how to create those insight statements.
Many complex projects require visualizing workflows. Service Slices are a way to explore those flows; you'll learn how to create these models and visuals.
It’s important to take stakeholders on the research ride. In this video, you'll learn how to present research findings in an engaging and persuasive manner.
Design criteria are an effective way to move from research into design. In this video, you'll learn how to write a succinct problem statement and define the design criteria that lead to success.